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Maria Daniel

Crayon on Canvas


Crayon on canvas


Suddenly the center of her world

Becomes the foetus she has never met

But in its 40 weeks within her

(And many more thereafter)

It's growth radiates out towards her,

Affecting both body and her mind

From excitement to sorrow -

A range of emotions,

All in anticipation

Of what is to come. 


Crayon on canvas


Amidst all the instructions,

The compressions, IV medications, and intubations

The entire room worked in harmony towards a goal:


A beating heart.

"Systole", we say,

Latin for contractility.


But more often than not,

The damage is far too much,

The patient is too far gone.

And the monitors silence the room with an unmistakable sound:


"Asystole", we say,

Silent Heart


Crayon on canvas


Outside our bodies

Exists the tangible world.

Yet inside our minds,

A different world resides -

More fluid, beautiful and infinite

Much like the universe,

Where the unknowns abound

And the mysteries are endless.

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